Google Sniper 2.0

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Google Sniper 2.0 can do for you

Hi Brian here

If you are looking for a place to start with internet marketing then Google Sniper 2 is the right choice for you.


Are you tired of those long wordy to-much promo reviews? I am so let's go to the facts.

Google Sniper 2 is a step-by-step information course that teaches you how to make Google Sniper sites in 2 hours or less.

A Google Sniper 2 site is a website that ranks very well in search engines and is set up to make affiliate sales on autopilot.

A Google Sniper 2 site rank well cause of a unique page creation and a low competition keyword.

The basics in a Google Sniper 2 site is a product to promote, a low competition niche and keyword. The rest is research and technique.

Set up your sniper site and repeat the process over and over again for maximum success.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Google Sniper 2.0 advantages

In my point of view GoogleSniper 2.0 has the following advantages.

1. It's a complete how-to-do system.

2. It's an easy-to-follow and easy-to-understand system.

3. It's a great beginners course for new internet marketers.

4. It's a serious information course containing a step-by-step guide and videos covering the hole process.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Google Sniper 2.0 disadvantages

In my point of view GoogleSniper 2.0 has the following disadvantages.

1. It can be difficult to find a monitiseable product, niche and keyword with the required low competition.

2. Link building is a very important factor in SEO especially when the competition gets harder. It's not a big part of the Google Sniper 2 system because the sniper sites is created to rank almost without backlinks but it would help the reader a lot to know about these things.

3. Sometimes 2 hours isn't enough to setup a Google Sniper 2 site. Some research time is needed if you don't know the product you want to promote very well.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Conclusion on Google Sniper 2.0

Overall Google Sniper 2 is a good information product that teach the internet marketing newcomer much valuable knowledge and if it is possible to find a product, a niche and a keyword with limited competition the chances of success is quite present.

Would I recommend GoogleSniper 2.0 to you?

YES if you are new or allmost new to internet marketing this course will be a good starting point.

NO if you are an experienced internet marketer you probably know this stuff all ready.

NO if you bought the first Google Sniper (in my view the changes are minimal).